Seriously, they are so much fun. It's really neat to see
your photos on items like calendars, mousepads, mugs, handbags, blankets, magnets, journals, & more!
I wanted to say thank you to all those who purchased custom gifts for loved ones this season. So far it's only been rave reviews and that makes me so happy.
Here are a few of my favorite gifts:
A gorgeous Gina Alexander Handbag. This is the canvas bag - look at how finely woven it is! I adore these handbags - just don't have enough money to buy all the bags I'd like. :)
They're not cheap, but well worth every penny. I have yet to find a custom photo bag on the market that even comes close to comparison.

This custom photo blanket is HUGE and turned out even better than I expected. Large areas of black can be tricky.

The custom calendars really turned out to be a big hit! Thanks to those who purchased my "best of" calendars - The Real Wild West & Best of Equus Luminous.
Everyone said the large size really suited the fine art type images perfectly. I even kept one of each for myself. ;)
I'm going to order one last batch for the year, if you'd like to be included, click
here to purchase one or both. Also check out the Stallions calendar on the first page.

Can't forget the other custom products, such as mugs, journals, magnets, keytags and more!

Thanks again to all those who purchased custom gifts - it's always a pleasure to help preserve special moments in unique ways.
For your own custom products, visit the
gift shop...