Held last Saturday, January 5th, at Doubletree Hotel in Scottsdale again. The buffet was absolutely delicious and the awards were wonderful. I wanted a few of those gorgeous ribbons, halters, coolers, jackets, saddle pads, and saddle stands myself! :)
After dinner came the awards ceremony. There was also a great silent auction, to which many local businesses donated goods and services. Among them were Greenway Saddlery, Equs Supplies, Happy's Dream Ranch, Karen Campbell Equine Massage, Collman Equestrian Productions, and of course, Equus Luminous.
Thanks again to everyone who stopped by for photos! And congratulations on your awards again too. :)
If you're not an AHJA member yet, now is a great time to sign up, as the year is just starting. Visit their website for more information.
Here are some (okay, quite a few) images from the evening:

See the rest of the proofs here until March 7, 2008.