Five Top 10 Images in the Equine Ideal Photo Contest!(one image each in 5 different categories)

Cast Your Vote for the People's Choice!The Equine Photo Contest is now open for People's Choice voting. Come see all the top ten photos from each class as selected by the presiding judging panel and vote for your favorite amateur image and your favorite professional image.
The photo with the most votes in each division will win a $100 Gift Certificate to Fine Print Imaging.
Click on the link to vote and enjoy the pictures!
Peoples' Choice Voting: April 1-10, 2007If you don't see the confirmation email, check your bulk mail or spam filter. Due to the volume of votes cast, they cannot help you troubleshoot your email account.
2007 winners will be announced on April 25. View results from previous contests
About the Equine Ideal ContestProfessional and amateur photographers seeking to capture the ideal image of the horse. Images are judged by professional equine photographers based on: impact, equipment expertise, technical/artistic expertise, light and color, subject matter, creativity and suitability.
As the contest sponsor, the
Equine Photographers' Network is awarding ribbons to first through sixth places and prizes to the top three placing photos in each of the seven categories and a Best of Show award in both the Professional and Amateur divisions.