We started the morning shooting the ranch hands driving the horses through a stream. Then we moved to the biggest pasture I've even seen (fences? couldn't see any for miles) to capture the drama of a large herd galloping towards us. I felt like I was in the middle of a movie, it was amazing!

After that rush, we headed back to the corrals to shoot some roping. There were great opportunities for head shots too. Of course, Ed couldn't resist being a ham. ;)

Roping practice finished and we trooped to the kitchen for another hearty brunch. Man, those gals can cook! And I didn't miss my daily Starbucks too much with their strong "cowboy coffee" at hand.
Once the food had settled, we headed back up the hills so the cowboys could do some more modeling for us. This time they ponied horses down the hill.

Of course, Ed had to barrel down my way at full steam. Scared the bejeebus out of me, but I got this great shot out of it!

Three Amigos or Three Stooges? ;)

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