Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Rainy Day Makes for Interesting Images

I had a great time shooting for clients at the Gila County Fair this past Saturday. The show began during a pretty good morning shower. Actually, the rain made for some interesting images and the overcast sky gave us great light. Definitely a change from hot, dry Phoenix!

Ariana is so much fun to photograph, she's just a doll. Her new pinto pony is named Mr. Bojangles or "Bandit" for short. He was a stud for part of his life, but now he's a happy show pony with his new little girl. Those two are just darling together, don'tcha think?

The cuteness factor at the fair was amazing, especially during the lead line class. I love shooting kids because they are completely relaxed and natural, unlike many adults who tend to get tense and self conscious. I also love the fact that kids, like horses, are endlessly unpredictable.

I wasn't completely sure how the images would turn out because of the rain, but I was extremely happy with the results, especially with the questionable backgrounds. So here are a few more of my favorites that I just had to share.

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