Thursday, September 28, 2006

Sandra, Jack, Sammi, & Seamus

I just did my first pet shoot with a great family and two gorgeous Australian Shepherds. I'd love to do a lot more of these, as dogs sure put their ears up with much less effort than the horses!

Sandra was such a great help; both her son and the pups listened to her 99% of the time. Gosh, it was such a nice change, as I usually don't have too much control over what's happening.

Jack, the little guy, is such a sweetheart and was so well behaved the whole time. Of course, it took a some bribing with a treat and a toy, but that worked for the dogs too. ;)

Here are some highlights, they're too cute not to post:

At the pre-shoot consultation
At the pre-shoot consultation. Jake was playing cowboy. This particular horse didn't need help with getting his ears up! :D

Meet Sammi...
Meet Sammi...

...and Seamus
...and Seamus

Jake serious
Jake serious (but still adorable)

Sammi sitting
Sammi sitting pretty.

Seamus looking quite dapper
Seamus looking quite dapper.

Jake, Sammi, & Seamus
I love this shot of the three of them.

The whole gang
I even talked Sandra into posing for a few. ;)

To see if people actually read this, I'm offering 50% off my first 10 pet appointments. Just mention this line and I'll give you the discount to help me build my pet portfolio. I'm not kiddin', so don't miss out!

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