Sunday, February 25, 2007

Scottsdale Arabian Show

I had always dreamed of Scottsdale while drooling over the gorgeous Arabs in Arabian Horse World, but even though a lot of my family is here in Arizona, I never had the chance to visit the show until I moved to the Valley.

You'd better believe it was everything I'd hoped and more. Now, at least once each year, I head up there to see all the models and working horses, and drool some more. I especially like how the big barns add lavish decor, sometimes even entire rooms or "cabins" on the front, filled with plush leather couches and walls full of trophies, ribbons, and amazing shots of their famous horses.

This year I had my new Mark II, which I used for the first time just two days ago at my Empty Acres shoot. So of course I couldn't resist heading up to Westworld to see how it test it on the Arabs.

I'm very happy with it so far - it handled the low light with much less noise than my D60, not to mentions focused faster and SO much easier. I tried to narrow it down ... had a hard time, but here are some of my favorites:

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